Awakening isn't for everyone
Regardless of what the gurus or certified life coaches are selling to you, a true awakening is messy. It’s raw, honest, vulnerable, profound, and not as wonderful/blissful as many make it out to be. Nor is it a “virtue signaling, hand waving, spiritual meme posting, look at me I’m spiritual and you don’t understand my suffering” attempt to call attention yourself to seek external validation from others.
No, it’s far from that. It’s a complete tare down of the identity in which you’ve constructed for others to see, in the exchange for who you were meant to be. A higher purpose, a higher calling. A deep and profound awakening.
A true awakening is not changing who you are, but a process of discarding who you are not. An honest self-reflection of your propensity to entertain the darkness within. It’s a process of unbecoming to become. It is a process of aligning who you are (currently), with who you are meant to be (divinely)—the highest-self, divine-self, ideal-self, or eternal-self. In your true god/goddess like form—embodied within this physical vehicle.
A true awakening, is the beginning of an identity crisis. You will experience much suffering before this can occur. And few, very few, have the tenacity to answer the call. If you’re reading this article “right now,” perhaps you’re being called. But remember this…you’re not special…MANY are called…but FEW are chosen. And here’s the secret. No one has the ability to choose you, but you. Your daily actions, habits, and routines determine your capacity for the calling. You choose you (daily) through removing habits which aren’t in alignment with your highest-self.
The whole of our identity is composed of a community of identities. And as you embark upon a genuine awakening, identities within you, which hold the lowest of frequencies will become more pronounced—unconsciously affecting your main identity and therefore, affecting your character. And your job, if you so valiantly choose to accept the call, is to embark upon a journey which requires the destruction of the ego, the self, and let go of all perceptions of who you are (currently) for an opportunity to align yourself with your highest-self or highest purpose. You must be valiant and remain vigilant. And your character flaws will make themselves known, every step of the way. This is a daunting task, that’s for sure.
THIS is healing my friends, and it doesn’t occur overnight. It can’t be found in the next book. It doesn’t happen after 3 weekend workshops and it sure as hell can’t be made into a certificate which can be handed out. No “human being” can validate how far you’ve come except for you and your higher power. However, you’ll need to be surrounded by like minded individuals. Individuals who’ve already paved the way. Individuals who are pursuing their truth, their purpose, and who are willing to shift out of the victim-mindset and into a growth-mindset.
This is a Red-pill moment for those of you who are ready. I’m tired of handing out Blue-pills. I’ve been handing out Blue-pills for years. And frankly, I’m sick of it. If you want to play it safe, stay comfortable, and live in certainty…keep dabbling, taking classes, drifting, and gathering as many “certificates” as you can to appease yourself with outside/external validation. Pop your Blue-pills and go back to what you know to be true. Because you’re not ready for what I have to offer.
And I say this with love. Unapologetically, but with love nonetheless.
But for those of you who are ready for the Red-pill, know this, there are multiple Red-pills along the way. And with each breakdown (which will lead to your breakthrough), you will have to decide what kind of truths you are ready to face. But more importantly, more valiantly, which truths you are ready to swallow…and how much truth you can hold down. The breakdowns will be hard, hurtful, painful even. Cognitive dissonance will be your normal. And there will be times where you will hate me, spite me, curse me even. Shake your fists and ask why. This wasn’t the awakening you wanted, but this will be the awakening you needed.
My name is Peng Roden Her, I’m a licensed acupuncturist, medical intuitive, and Master of Qigong. I’ve been studying martial arts, qigong, and meditation since I was 13 years old. More importantly, I’ve been studying myself. And man, Peng has many flaws. It’s not easy, it was never easy, and it will never be easy. But it IS simple. And I’ve given myself the title of Master out of necessity, not out of clout or a sense of entitlement.
For years, I’ve been pulling my punches, watching the suffering continue—due to misinformation from well intended people. Vilifying and censoring myself, in an attempt to not ruffle feathers or challenge the ideas of others. Unfortunately, we’re running out of time. My voice is now needed more than ever. And for those of you who have been waiting for me, I’m sorry. I’m sorry that it took so long, but I’m ready now. True transformation requires HONEST self-reflection and nothing less.
It’s go time! And I’ve been waiting for you too!
Grab an acupuncture session from me and get a taste for what’s to come. And if you’re hungry for more, my next Qigong class will launch in February of 2023. Another Qigong class? No. It’s not another series of exercises or tricks to move energy, no. Classes like that are a dime a dozen. What I’m offering to you is a series of exercises which will lead to a series of transformations, the transformations can be earth shattering, so come prepared.
Not everyone is ready for what I have to teach, even those who think that they’re ready. If my choice of words and execution rubbed you wrong, good. This was intentional. It lets you know that I’m not going to be your cup of tea. However, if my execution perked you up and got you excited, GOOD. You’re my ideal client! I’ve been waiting for you, more rather, you’ve been waiting for me. Let’s not waste our precious time anymore. There’s much to do. Let’s rapidly move out of suffering and into healing. I can’t heal you, no one can, no one but you. However, I can align you to your higher source…and, I can show you the door…but you MUST walk through.
Let’s stop talking about healing and actually do it! Multiple Red-pills lie in your wait. It’s go time!
Written by: Peng Roden Her
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